Dashiell Hammett: Crime Stories and Other Writings (Library of America)

By Dashiell Hammett.

Dashiell Hammett: Crime Stories and Other Writings (Library of America)


"If Dashiell Hammett ends up rubbing (or bending) elbows with Mark Twain, why, probably neither man will mind." (Chicago Sun Times, on Hammett: Complete Novels) In scores of stories written for Black Mask and other pulp magazines in the 1920s and 1930s, Dashiell Hammett used the vernacular adventure tale to register the jarring textures and revved-up cadences of modern America. His stories opened up crime fiction to the realities of American streets and American speech. These texts, along with some revealing essays and an early version of his novel The Thin Man, are reprint...


1931082006, 9781931082006


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